Polymer Technology Group

Injection Molding Machine

The Injection Molding Machine available in the Polymertechnology Lab is a Negri-Bossi 70tons press of CANBIMAT series. It has two injectors: a vertical one able to inject 46ccm of molten plastics with a maximum pressure of 2000bar; a horizontal one, with an injection capacity of 73ccm and a maximum pressure of 2100bar. The vertical injector can slide horizontally and thus both co-injection and bi-injection can be carried out.

Co-injection Bi-injection

Furthermore, a control device is present to inject the nitrogen into the injection unit. This allows to carry out the so-called "foam injection molding": objects can be obtained having a compact skin and a foamed core, which means the same appearance of a compact part but with considerable less material (more than 20% lighter parts can be obtained)


The press is equipped with several instrumented molds to measure pressure and temperature evolutions inside the cavity so that molding conditions can be optimized. A spiral is also available, to carry out moldability tests.


Spiral Bi-injection