Polymer Technology Group

Felice De Santis

Ph.D.Felice De Santis


Research Engineer


Lab. I1


Department of Industrial Engineering
University of Salerno
Via Giovanni Paolo II, 132
I-84084 Fisciano


+39 089 96 4013




+39 089 96 4057






Research interests:

  • Effect of thermomechanical history on final structure of polymeric materials
  • Analysis of the injection moulding process of thermoplastic materials. Applications to technological advanced objects
  • Analysis of film extrusion processes

Felice De Santis graduated "cum laude" defending a thesis on shrinkage in injection moulded PolyPropylene in 2000. From 2000 to 2003 he was a PhD student in "Chemical technologies and new materials" at University of Palermo. He gained the PhD degree in January 2004, defending a thesis entitled "Influence of solidification condition on structural evolution of thermoplastic materials". From 2004 to 2007 he gained a research fellowship at University of Salerno, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, in "Crystallization kinetics of polymeric materials under processing condition". In this period he spent some research periods abroad (2004 and 2006: research periods at Univerisity of Rostock, Germany). From September 2004 he is lecturer of Fluid dynamics at University of Salerno, Dept. of Chemical Engineering.
Currently, he takes part to the following research networks: EC COST Action P12 "Structuring of Polymers"; EC Coordinated Action "PIAM - Polymer Injection Advanced Molding"; Italian Interuniversity Consortium on Materials Science and Technology INSTM. His main research interests focus on analysis and simulation of injection moulding of thermoplastics, crystallization kinetics of polymers under processing condition. In these fields, he collaborates with companies and research centres (DSM, SciTe, University of Eindhoven, University of Rostock, Solvay Solexis, Institute of Fundamental Technological Research of Warsaw) and is author of more than 10 publications on international peer reviewed scientific journals, of 1 book chapters and of more than 20 publications on proceedings of international conferences. Go to ResearcherID.com to view more information