Plenary Lecturer

    Catia BastioliCatia Bastioli

    At the moment Catia Bastioli is Chief Executive Officer of Novamont, a leading innovation company in the sector of Bioplastics, born as a research center on renewable raw materials in 1989. She significantly contributed to the creation and growth of this initiative since the start-up.

    Dr. Catia Bastioli is the author of more than 100 papers on various scientific and industrial subjects published on International Journals, Proceedings of International Conferences and books.

    Doctor Bastioli filed more than 60 patents and patent applications in the sectors of synthetic and natural polymers which are significant part of the Novamont patent portfolio.

    Doctor Bastioli has also contributed to International reports dealing with scientific and technological policy and other matters. The most relevant are:

  • Corn Vision 2020- Producing the Corn That Changes The World , National Corn Growers Association (USA) (1993)
  • European Climate Change Program – Report June 2001, WG5: Renewable Raw Materials, European Community (2001).
  • She has been Chairman of the Polymer Group in the committee held by ERRMA (European Renewable Raw Material Association) on Renewable Raw Material (RRM) on behalf of DG Enterprise of UE and Member of the Scientific Advisory Board in university and Research Institutes organizations.

    She is the editor of the “Handbook of Biodegradable Materials” published on 2004 by RAPRA.
    In 2007 she has been awarded by the European Patent Office and by the European Union as Inventor of the Year 2007, together with her coworkers, for the patents filed in the period 1992-2001 related to Bioplastics.
    She is Professor of Biopolymers at the Faculty of Pharmacy/Biotecnology, University of Piemonte Orientale “Amedeo Avogadro”.

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