Plenary Lecturer

    Jerold M. SchultzJerold M. Schultz

    Professor Schultz studied metallurgical engineering at the University of California (B.S. 1957, M.S. 1958) and Carnegie-Mellon University (PhD 1964). He has been at the University of Delaware since 1964, and is currently C. Ernest Birchenall Professor Emeritus. His work is largely in the area of processing, structure and properties of semicrystalline polymers. He has authored over 200 scientific papers, two textbooks (on polymer materials science and on diffraction theory), and two monographs (on failure of composites and on polymer crystallization) and has edited two books. He is coinventor of nine patents. He is currently associate editor of Macromolecules. He is a fellow of the American Physical Society. He is married (to Peggy) and has four adult children and three grandchildren. He plays flute in the Newark (DE) Symphony and banjo in Stained Grass.

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